16 April 2005


I've realized... that taking audio notes in class is a very baad idea. Then you're compelled to listen to them all.. All 11 hours and 30 minutes of it. damn. I think I will go take a long shower now.

Miss. Nguyen sent me some Namie Amuro stuff. Pretty good. I'd like to recommend "Put 'Em Up"

In the meanwhile, I have so much food in my room I don't think I need to eat out much.

|||Stargazing Today at 8pm then dinner at Gumby's Pizza||| Call if you want to come.



Anonymous said...

HAHAH. I have the whole Namie Amuro Style cd before u!

Sikha rules!

Anonymous said...

Heres some more blatant laughing at your uncoolness.


lov ya!