20 April 2005


I've been having this throbbing headache all day. WTF is going on. Anyway, here's a hint of my schedule:

1. Woke up at 820ish
2. Physics from 9-10am
3. Went KPMAL, did some work until about 1140.
4. Back to Jester, some stuff happened (shower, food, etc)
5. Math TA session at 2-3pm
6. Mueller Lab from 3-6:30pm
7. Food until about 8..40ish. (I forget what happened in between)
8. Went to sleep b/c of headache at 9pm.
9. Headache slowly going away. (11:49pm)
10. [projected] Work till about 3am. .. something like that.


Here's a song for you guys

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