14 April 2005

Selection Pressures.

Si por pobre me desprecias
Yo te concedo razon
Yo te concedo razon
Si por pobre me desprecias.

I'm not much for mexican music.. but this one has some meaning to it. (I still remember some spanish)

Gmail was down today. I couldn't send or receive mail. WTF. Email is like.. life for me.

In other news, I had a lucid dream about two days ago. For those of you that don't know what lucid dreams are, its when you know you're dreaming, and you have some sort of control. The feeling of control is overwhelming, a god-like feeling.

Hm.. I don't know what else to write. I'm kinda worried that JPN506 is going to be filled with native speakers, but Hatanaka-sensei has advised me otherwise.



Anonymous said...

"Email is like.. life for me"?
Dude I just think you're trying ta steal the light from me
This rock star shit, it's the life for me

piotrrcola said...

...I have no idea who the f--k that was.