02 August 2005

Time for a change

Ok, Everyone knows I complain a lot about this world, so I'll praise it a little.

Let's look at a couple of timelines:

Speed Records:
In 1900 - The fastest we could go was.. a ship, perhaps a train. Those were limited to 40-50mph.
2000 - The fastest manmade object is interstellar probe Voyager 1, 39,000mph.

1900 - Telephone was barely out, even still, no connection across the world (first transatlantic cable linking North America and Europe was laid 1956)

2000 - Email. You know its instant. And its worldwide too. (hello yoshika!)

1900 - Conventional TNT. Nothing that powerful, and certainly no global deployment.
2000 - Thermonuclear device:

Enough said. The maximum tested yield of a hydrogen bomb is 58 megatons, as opposed to the Hiroshima/Nagasaki, which were 16-20 kilotons

16 kilotons : 16,000 tons of TNT
58 megatons: 58,000,000 tons of TNT

More tomorrow...

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