22 October 2005


So we decided we were hungry at like 12 midnight, then started walking to Taco Cabana. We see this guy sleeping on the street and when he hears us, he goes "yes sir yes sir, i'm going right now." etc etc.

And we're like ... "wtf". Apparently he thought we were the police about to kick him out.

Coming back from Taco Cabana, I got curious. Now we all know there are no homeless people in Plano, so I had this opportunity to observe. I go over there with Rohan and when i'm looking at the guy (he's sleeping) and observing, Rohan yells "UTPD" at the top of his lungs and runs.

I'm like.. oh shit. This guy is going to stab me or something, so I ran too. hahaha

That's my crazy story to make up for my laziness in not updating.

I'll write more later.

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