18 May 2006

Picture service NOT WORKING

Blogger picture service is messing up again. Jeez Google, isn't it enough that you know everything about me.

Eh. I was going to post the rest of my lab pictures as well as a "GET BETTER SOON" card, but you'll have to settle with me rambling.

So I'm back in Plano. Yes. Nice, sheltered, elitist, Plano. Also, I'm watching Grey's Anatomy, another pretentious show. When will this end? IN 4 DAYS.

I'm going back to ghetto-ass A-town in 4 days, to do some lab work, make some reactions work, etc. Also, class.

Anyone in Austin want to eat lunch or eat anything please call (email).

I've created a calendar which I update frequently with stuff going on, so if anyone wants to stalk me or something, here's your perfect chance. I'll put a picture link on the side-bar soon, but here's the link:



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